Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, just like more than one condolence books are opened for the same person by different people. E.g. colleagues, family, caucus members, business partners etc.

Yes. We allow you to access the book and edit it as many times as you want.

Yes, being an e-commerce platform, it is available to anyone in any country, subject to local regulations and controls. Payments are through globally accepted methods in a secure and safe system.

The book will remain active for three months after which it will become inaccessible for download. However, the book remains available for viewing.

Yes, use the edit book tab on the action panel at any point in the process

Since the book can be accessed by many people to send messages, we give an opportunity for the creator of the book to view the messages before opening it for public viewing

The delete command permanently erases the book from the system. The only way to recover is to create the book afresh.

When fund is activated, information provided by the primary creator on how one can contribute becomes visible on the book details page

Yes, you can login using credentials you received in your email when you first submitted the message.